Follow these steps below. You need to:
1. Upload your track(s) (uncompressed formats only, like *.wav for example – NO *.mp3, *m4a etc.)
2. AND send me the form WITH your specific WeTransfer link
to successfully inquire for our services.
Step 01:
Upload your audio files via WeTransfer* for your Simple Life Studio Inquiry:
Copy your WeTransfer Upload link to your clipboard. You’ll need it during the second step.
You can skip the upload, when you don’t habe any files yet.
If you don’t know what files to upload, find our “File Preparation Cheat Sheet” below!
Step 02:
Provide us as much information as possible vie the form below:
Thank you very much for your Simple Life Studio Inquiry!
After you have hit the “submit” button you’re done and your Simple Life Studio Inquiry is finished! We have your files now and all necessary information to reach out back to you with an individual offer!
*What is WeTransfer?
WeTransfer is a free online service to send large files all over the world. You don’t need any account to send us files. All costs for this service are on our side!

What is happening next?
After you have submitted your inquiry and possibly added some audio files via WeTransfer, we are going all through it and check your files and submitted information. If everything came through correctly we are setting up an individual offer we then reach out to you with. If you want to go with this offer we’ll start to fulfill your order as soon as we have your okay.