You have just finished your mix and now you need somebody with fresh ears to get the most out of it, to help it translate to any possible listening device and to bring it up to the desired volume?
We are here to master your song & to polish your latest hard work for your fans!
An AI can only reproduce what already exists!
Humans can create something completely new!
We are offering a special service exclusively to new customers. We are mastering one track per new customer for free.
Try before you buy!
It´s easy as that:
- sign up with your email address
- send us your final mixdown via WeTransfer*
- get back your final master you can instantly upload to streaming platforms for example
It will cost you: nothing!
If you like what we have done to your mix you have a great master you can instantly publish. Just in case you don´t like it: you’ve nothing lost!
Free Mastering
Sign up with your email address via the following form.
After your signup you´ll get a confirmation mail (also check your spam folder) with a link that will direct you to a page where you can upload your final mixdown via WeTransfer*.
As soon as we have received your audio file we will do the final touches and send back your master, which you can then publish on streaming platforms for example.
Sign up with your email address to get your free master!
Our Mastering is absolutely for free!
The first song will cost you nothing!
Your benefits:
- easy workflow – all you need to do is upload your mixdown file.
- quick workaround – you’ll get back your mastered file within two days
- you get a great sounding track you can instantly show your friends & fans – for free!
BUT don’t wait too long – there are only a couple limited slots for free mastering left!
Mastering Sample
There is a snippet of a song called “Ride Or Die” running through the mixing console below. The left version is just the finished mix before the mastering and the right version is the finally mastered version.
Mastering is the final step in music production. It’s about adding the last tweaks, bringing it up to a proper volume and make it translate to any music listening device. For mastering we just need the final stereo mixdown file, except when it comes to stem mastering, what’s not a part of the “free mastering offer”!
Mixing is like bringing it all together. All recordings, all Instruments and additional effects were brought together to one single piece of music. It’s about setting the right volumes for each track as well as placing them throughout the panorama. It’s also about adding effects like reverbs and such. (Mixing is not included in the “free mastering offer”)
Mastering is just about the final stereo mixdown of the mix. It’s adding the final tweaks, brings up the volume and makes the song translate to any listening device.
WeTransfer is an online service to send large files all over the world. You don´t need an account to send us your mix and it´s completely for free on your side!